4647 Melbourne Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90027
Tuesday-Saturday 10am-5:30pm

Juvederm Ultra Vs Radiesse, What's the Difference?

Injectables Juvederm

Juvederm and Radiesse are two popular dermal fillers with distinct compositions and applications. Juvederm is primarily composed of hyaluronic acid, a substance naturally found in the body, which attracts and retains moisture, providing immediate volume and hydration to the skin.

It's commonly used to fill in wrinkles and fine lines, enhance lips, and add volume to cheeks. Radiesse, on the other hand, is made of calcium hydroxylapatite microspheres suspended in a gel carrier. Both fillers have been extensively studied and approved by the FDA for cosmetic use, offering effective solutions for various aesthetic concerns.

But which derma filler is more effective?

Comparing the effectiveness of Radiesse and Juvederm requires considering their composition, intended uses and potential side effects.

Juvederm dermal filler processes offer several advantages over Radiesse that make it a preferred choice for many patients. Firstly, Juvederm is composed of hyaluronic acid, a natural substance found in the body, which makes it highly biocompatible and reduces the risk of allergic reactions. This feature makes Juvederm suitable for a wide range of patients, including those with sensitive skin. Additionally, Juvederm provides immediate results, making it ideal for patients seeking instant gratification from their treatment. Its smooth gel consistency allows for easy injection and precise placement, resulting in natural-looking and symmetrical enhancements. Furthermore, Juvederm's effects typically last between 6 to 12 months, providing patients with long-lasting results without the need for frequent touch-ups. Overall, Juvederm's safety profile, immediate results, and versatility in addressing various concerns such as lines, wrinkles, and volume loss make it a preferred option for many seeking facial rejuvenation.


    • Juvederm: Made primarily of hyaluronic acid, a substance naturally found in the body, Juvederm provides immediate volume and hydration to the skin. Its gel-like consistency makes it ideal for filling wrinkles, lines, and adding volume to lips and cheeks.
    • Radiesse: Composed of calcium hydroxylapatite microspheres suspended in a gel carrier, Radiesse also stimulates collagen production, It is typically used to fill wrinkles and folds and to restore volume in areas like the cheeks and hands.

Effectiveness for Different Concerns:

    • Juvederm: Effective for addressing superficial lines and wrinkles, as well as adding volume to lips and cheeks. It's also suitable for fine lines and moderate volume loss.
    • Radiesse: Particularly effective for wrinkles and folds, such as nasolabial folds, and for restoring volume in larger areas like the cheeks. Its collagen-stimulating effects make it suitable for addressing volume loss.

Safety and Side Effects:

    • Both Juvederm and Radiesse are FDA-approved and considered safe when administered by trained professionals. However, side effects such as redness, swelling, bruising, and itching may occur with both fillers. These effects are typically temporary and resolve within a few days to a week.

The main difference between Juvederm and Radiesse

Radiesse is a water-based gel mixed with calcium hydroxyapatite which boosts collagen production and plumps up the skin.

Juvéderm has a better smooth consistency, based on hyaluronic acid. The brand has several products with different HA concentrations and formulas designed to target different facial areas and concerns. Some Juvéderm products are better for chin augmentation, while others plump up the lips and smooth perioral lines.

Radiesse Vs. Juvéderm Treatment Areas

Radiesse addresses the following skin concerns:

  • Marionette lines
  • Corners of the mouth
  • Sagging jowls
  • Wrinkled chin
  • Sunken cheeks
  • Wrinkled hands

Juvéderm helps with the following skin concerns:

  • Marionette lines
  • Corners of the mouth
  • Sagging jowls
  • Wrinkled chin
  • Sunken cheeks
  • Nasolabial folds
  • Lips
  • Perioral lines

Furthermore: Juvéderm is a more suitable option if you want to add volume to your lips or treat the lines above your upper lip. It is also a safer choice when it comes to potential allergic reactions, and it can be dissolved if you don’t like the results. However, it's essential to consult with a dermatologist or skincare specialist to determine which cosmetic procedure is the right option for your specific needs.

Book Your Juvederm Treatment Today! We are located in the beautiful neighborhood of Los Feliz 323.522.6313

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BeyondSkin MedSpa

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4647 Melbourne Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90027
Email: info@beyondskinmedspa.com
Phone: (323) 522 – 6313
Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 10am-5:30pm